Electric Brooder

Range of Superior Solutions for Broilers, Layers and Breeders

In places where there is no access to LPG or natural gas, our electric brooders are a great alternative. The 2kw coil emits infrared rays and keeps chicks warm. Chicks thrive in thermo neutral state and helps regulate their temperature. This zone ensures that chick send the energy from feed into growth and not for body maintenance. Chicks use their feed intake for majority growth and minimum body maintenance.

Technical Specification

Model Consumption (g/h) Power Kw Current Recommended No. of Birds Dia mm Weight Kg Inbuilt Thermostat
Min Unit Max Unit
2000 W 1 Unit/Hrs. 2 Unit/Hrs. 2000 Watt 8.2 Amp 500 - 750 Chicks 425 2.2 KGS 20% to 100%
Electric Brooder
Electric Brooder
Electric Brooder